As we heard that some professors don’t necessarily adhere to the current regulations set by the rectorate, here’s a summary for you (Source: regulation for exams in summer term 2021, published by the rectorate, only available in German, Verordnung des Rektorats).
- On-site exams are only allowed in courses where this option was explicitly communicated at the start of the semester (§4 (1)).
- In case of an on-site exam, it is mandatory for the course to offer an online alternative (§4 (2)):
- preferably at the same time & date as the in-person exam
- if that is not possible, at least three separate other dates have to be offered.
- On-site exams are only allowed up to a maximum of 300 participants (§4 (3)).
- The maximum room occupancy is 70 (Audimax) (§4 (3)).
- Exam dates that have already been announced have to be met, and can not be moved to a later on-site date (§4 (4)).
- If an exam is held on-site, on premise, all participants (this includes students as well as examiners or proctors) need to prove their compliance with the 3G rule (“getestet, geimpft, genesen”, which means being either “tested, vaccinated, recovered”) by showing the corresponding documents upon entering the building. FFP2 masks are required, distance rules are in place, and you need to use TU Contact Tracing (§1). Please be aware that not all kinds of tests are recognized (see https://www.tuwien.at/en/tu-wien/corona, where “all gargles” means the “Alles gurgelt” program).
If you come across a course or exam that does not adhere to the rules outlined here, you can remind the course team yourself (via email, ideally putting fsinf@fsinf.at and distancelearning@tuwien.ac.at in CC). Alternatively, you can send us an email with a short description, in which case we will anonymise and forward the request to the course team.
In any case it is important that you notify us, as your student representatives, so we can keep an eye on the developments on the Distance Learning topic.