Das Wissenschafterinnenkolleg Internettechnologien der Fakultaet fuer
Informatik der TU Wien laedt gemeinsam mit der Oesterreichischen
Computer Gesellschaft zu den folgenden beiden Vortraegen ein (Die
auch fuer DiplomandInnen interessant sind, speziell der 2. Vortrag):
Alan Bundy
University of Edinburgh, UK
Datum: Dienstag, 28. Juni 2005
Uhrzeit: 9:30 - 12:00 +
Ort: Technische Universitaet Wien, Informatikhoersaal, 1040 Wien,
Treitlstrasse 3, Erdgeschoss
How to Get a PhD in Informatics?
The Need for Hypotheses in Informatics
“How to Get a PhD in Informatics?” This practical guide to the pitfalls and
obstacles to getting a PhD in Informatics is based on the
“Researchers Bible”: a living document originating in the Department
of Artificial Intelligence at Edinburgh and based on the accumulated and
hard won experience of a wide range of researchers. Learn about
“postgraduate diseases”, their diagnosis and cure.
“The Need for Hypotheses in Informatics” All branches of science and
engineering advance by the conjecturing of hypotheses and the
accumulation of evidence to support (or refute) them. This is also
true of Informatics, but explicit hypotheses are rarely stated in
Informatics papers and evaluations of Informatics systems and
techniques are rarely linked to such hypotheses. Our hypothesis is that
this neglect of explicit hypotheses is the root cause of much of the poor
methodology and rejected papers and grant proposals in Informatics.
We will give examples of the kinds of hypotheses that arise in
Informatics and the kind of evidence that is required to evaluate them.
Prof. Alan Bundy was educated as a Mathematician, obtaining a 1st class
honours degree in Mathematics in 1968 from Leicester University and a
PhD in Mathematical Logic in 1971, also from Leicester, under the
supervision of Prof. R.L. Goodstein. Since 1971 he has been at the
University of Edinburgh: initially in the Metamathematics Unit, which in
1972 became the Department of Computational Logic, in 1974 was
absorbed into the new Department of Artificial Intelligence and in 1998
was absorbed into the new Division of Informatics. Prof. Bundy’s research
has entailed the building of a number of problem solving programs for
different branches of mathematics, namely number theory, algebra,
mechanics, ecological modelling and logic/functional programming.
He is the author of a book on the automation of mathematical reasoning,
the editor of three books on artificial intelligence and joint author of one
book on ecological modelling and one on the social impact of
knowledge-based systems. He is the sole or joint author of over
140 published papers and books.
Dr. Beate List
list@wit.tuwien.ac.at, Tel. 58801-18830
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Vortrag in englischer Sprache; Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.
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